Domestic Violence
If you think your abuser is tracking what you do online, you’re probably right. Learn more about internet and computer safety. Find helpful articles, free court forms, and other resources related to domestic violence by following the links below.
Topic Layout
Information about resources available for domestic violence and sexual assault victims.
Learn how to represent yourself in an Order of Protection hearing when you are the Petitioner.
Learn about Orders of Protection in Montana, how to get one, how to prepare for court, and what to do after your hearing.
Safety Planning for Victims of Domestic Violence
Learn about unique forms of abuse that immigrant victims of domestic violence may face. Learn about legal options for immigrant victims of abuse.
Learn how to keep your address safe from an abuser. This site includes general information about the Address Confidentiality Program, checklist, and application.
As a battered spouse, child or parent, you may file an immigrant visa petition under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
Information about the effects of domestic violence on children.
As a victim of a crime, you have certain rights to safety, privacy, and to tell your story. If your rights aren't being respected, a lawyer may be able to help.
Information to help you use the Full Faith and Credit Law for enforcement of your protective order from another state in Montana.
Learn how to keep your address confidential on Order of Protection Forms.
Learn how to use evidence in an Order of Protection Hearing in Montana when you filed for the Order.
Information for immigrants to the United States about domestic violence.
Laws and procedures for obtaining a U-Visa if you are the victim of a crime (including domestic violence).
*There is a green button at the top to switch the language to Spanish.
*There is a green button at the top to switch the language to Spanish.
Everyone deserves safety and has the right to live free from fear. MLSA’s legal services provide effective ways to help survivors escape violence.
The Hope Card allows someone who has been granted an Order of Protection in one jurisdiction to easily prove it in another jurisdiction. Hope Cards are wallet-sized and compact and are intended as a more convenient way for people who have permanent Orders of Protection to keep relevant information about their orders with them at all times.
This page includes information about obtaining lawful status if you are the victim of certain crimes (including domestic abuse) and can obtain a certification that you are, have been or will be helpful in the investigation or prosecution of the crime.
The U nonimmigrant status (U visa) is set aside for victims of certain crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and are helpful to law enforcement or government officials in the investigation or prosecution of criminal activity.
Victims of Human Trafficking: T Nonimmigrant Status
Questions and Answers for Immigrant and Refuge Women.
Legal Forms
Use a free interactive program to create court forms to ask a court in Montana for a Temporary Order of Protection (TOP) and hold a hearing.
Download a free legal form to ask a court in Montana for a Temporary Order of Protection and hold a hearing.