
Essential Legal Forms

Find commonly used legal forms that you can use when representing yourself in court, including motions, affidavits, and court fee waiver forms.
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Motion to Request an Extension of Time

By: Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA)

Use this form to request more time if you have a deadline to file something with a Court and you cannot meet the deadline.

Notice of Filing form

By: Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA)

Sometimes the Judge will ask you to make changes to a decree or order you provided. Usually you do not have to officially file a new document in the court file. You just have to make the changes the Judge wants and take the new document to the Clerk of Court and ask them to give it to the Judge’s Judicial Assistant. The Judge might even tell you to make the changes and email the new document to the Judicial Assistant. If the Judge does not tell you what to do, or the Clerk says you need to officially file a new version you will need a Notice of Filing form. This Notice tells the other party you are filing a new version of the document for the judge to sign. You attach the new version of your document to the Notice of Filing.

Don’t forget to mail a copy of the Notice with the new version of the document to the other party.

Reply to Response to Motion

By: State Law Library of Montana

A reply to the other party's response to your motion (request) in District Court.

Response to Motion

By: State Law Library

Forms to respond to the other party's motion (request) to District Court.
