
Credit Report Dispute Letter (write-in-the-blank form)


By: Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA)

Download a free legal form to argue that something on your credit report is incorrect.
Resource Information

Before You Start

You can download and fill out this write-in-the-blank Credit Report Dispute Letter to argue that something on your credit report is incorrect.  

This letter comes with instructions to help you fill it out, send it to a credit reporting bureau, and ideas for next steps. You can download the Credit Report Dispute Letter by clicking the green link at the top of this page.  

If you see something on your credit report that is wrong, you can use the Credit Report Dispute Letter to ask the credit reporting company to correct it.  You can ask to have a debt that is not yours taken off your credit report.  You can ask to correct the amount of a debt.  You can ask for a debt you paid to show that it was paid.  You can ask to correct whatever error you find. 

You will need to include any proof you have showing something is wrong.  You could include a copy of a receipt showing the debt was paid.  You could include a copy of a payment ledger showing payments you made and what you owe.  You should include whatever you have to show there is something wrong. 

Need more information?

If you have any questions about your rights or this form, it would be a good idea to check out our FAQ on How to Dispute Credit Report Errors.  

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