During your testimony, you can tell the Judge about things the Respondent has done to make you feel in danger for your physical safety or your children’s safety.
When you talk about abuse that has happened, describe “who, how, when, where, and what you felt.”
For example, “The Respondent and I were in our house on June 1, 2018. He got mad and called me names like ‘b#@$%.’ He shoved me, my head hit the wall of the kitchen and I blacked out. When I came to I was so scared and thought he might kill me and my head was aching. My child saw it all. I did not go to the hospital because I was afraid.”
Even though you are in a court room, it is OK to say curse words when you are repeating what the Respondent said to you.
Threats of Abuse
When talking about threats of abuse, you also want to describe “who, how, when, where, and what you felt”
For example, “I stopped at the stoplight in my car after work on Friday. The Respondent pulled up next to me. When I looked over, he pointed his finger at me like he was pretending it was a gun and he ‘shot’ me. I believed this was a threat that he wanted to kill me because he has said that to me before.”
Past Protective Orders
You may talk about past Orders of Protection that you filed against the Respondent and why you asked for those orders.
For example, “I had a protection order against the Respondent in Wyoming in 2017. I dismissed the order because Respondent promised he would get counseling. He didn’t and now I know that I need to keep the Order of Protection until he finishes counseling and changes his behavior.”
You should tell the Judge about protective orders you have dismissed and explain why. You should make it clear that you do not intend to dismiss the protective order you are requesting now until you feel sure that you no longer need it.
Violence against Others and Animals
You may talk about how the Respondent has abused others or animals to show how you are in danger. Remember, to describe the “who, how, when, where, and what you felt” when you talk about how the Respondent has abused others or animals.
For example, “The Respondent beat up his sister in 2017 in Dillon. He punched her and gave her a black eye. He was arrested and convicted of assault. I was really scare when this happened because I knew that it could be me next."
You may also talk about how the Respondent has abused animals to make you feel unsafe.
For example, “The Respondent would play a ‘game’ in front of our son. He would pull the cat’s tail until the cat tried to scratch him. Then the Respondent would punch and kick the cat. Watching the Respondent hurt our cat in front of our son made me feel unsafe.”